
Shake Shake Shake

Supplements and Exercise

"Protein supplements are generally overused. The recommended dietary intake of protein for an average Joe is easily achieved through diet alone. For the ultra-fit I see a place for protein supplements as their needs and total energy requirements are slightly higher."

The first thing I ask someone who loves to tell me all an out their protein shakes is: "Do you know how much protein you need a day?" If that answer is no then you don't need a protein supplement!
Don't get me wrong Protein supps definitely have a valid place but that is with athletes on a structured resistance training program, endurance athletes, athletes with high training loads not a person who does Bi's + Tri's twice a week! Half the time these gym users end up consuming more calories then they have burned to begin with, not to mention choosing the wrong protein for their body and often consuming in excess. Protein supplements achieve results based on program type & frequency, protein type (complete/incomplete BCAAs), and timing of consumption.

If you feel you want to commence a new program that's great! If you want to support this with maximal protein even better but before you take advice form the jacked up guy who hogs the free weights we recommend consulting a GP, Exercise physiologist or Dietitian as these guys are qualified experts in the area and will ensure you're getting the right amount at the right time (and right price) to see maximal results.

In the mean time here is the down-lo or protein!

Why does your body need protein?
Protein is required to build new cells. Every cell and organ in your body needs protein. Muscle, skin, hair, bone, and connective tissue contain protein. To live and function properly, your body needs protein.
How much protein do you need in a day?
It's been reported by American and Australian health bodies, along with the World Health Organisation, that men and women require approximately 0.8g of protein per 1kg in body weight.
*      80kg man requires approximately 64g of protein per day
*      60kg woman requires 48g per day.
Do you know how much protein is in the food you eat?
*      250g portion of salmon, steak, chicken or pork loin all contain between 50g to 60g of protein.
*      Three eggs contain 20g of protein
*      1cup milk contains 9g
Like your food a bit faster?
*      Double Whopper with Cheese contains 55g
*      3 KFC Original Recipe Thighs contains 62g
*      Domino's BBQ Meat Lover's Pizza contains 77g
Fresh, fast, or a combination of both … if you live in a Western country, you're most likely hitting your required protein intake every day, week, and year.
Do I need supplements?
The average gym user does not need any form of supplementation. Natural varieties (without all the hidden nasties) can complement a wholefoods nutrient-dense diet; assisting people to feel full, shed fat mass, or gain lean muscle.


Snack easy

The art of Snacking

Lunch was hours ago, but your stomach is growling and dinner isn’t for another 3 hours.. sound familiar? You're contemplating a chocolate bar or grabbing that banana bread form the office cafĂ© but the guilt is too much to bear. If you think that your best option is to avoid a snack altogether and wait for the next meal, think again.
One of the biggest myths about snacking is that it is an unhealthy habit. The truth is that it's not snacking that is bad, but rather the type of food and quantities that people choose. In fact, snacking might be the missing ingredient that will help you reach your optimum health goal.
The Benefits of Snacks
Although you may feel guilty about snacking, it can be beneficial to eat smaller meals with snacks across the day instead of large meals just a few times a day. Here's how healthy snacking can help you:
·         Prevent overeating. Snacking between meals can actually reduce your overall caloric intake by controlling the feeling to binge or overeat at your next meal. The best way to describe this is often I get clients that will only have one slice of toast a breakfast but by mid-morning find they’re starving and often going for something quick and easy with their coffee or controlling temptation but are so hungry by lunch that they eat the first thing (usually quick and easy) they see… pie, dim sim, slice of pizza, subway etc.

·         Boost of energy and nutrients. Healthy snacks provide fibre and nutrients your body needs to keep you energized throughout the day. Fibre is what help us feel full so instead of the body fluctuating between full>hungry it maintains a more even level of satiety. So our energy across the becomes more closely regulated and so does your level of productivity.

Make Snacks a Healthy Part of Your Life
The real challenge is what kind of food you eat and how much. There are many easy ways to incorporate snacking into a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips to make snacking work for you:
·         Avoid consistent snacking of foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat. Pretty much if the snack is bite size (potato chips, sakata, savoys, biscuits) its bad news. These snacks tend to have little or no nutritional value, have addictive flavours (that often taste better washed down with soft drink)  and are also hard to monitor (how do you know if you’ve had 5 or 15). The key to healthy snacking is to eat more frequent, yet small portions. Buy small packages of food to avoid binge eating and don't snack out of the box.
·         Always have snacks available. A healthy lifestyle always comes down to organisation. So portion out some  trial mix at the start of the week so it’s ready to grab and go, keep healthy snacks like dried fruit in a desk drawer, fresh fruit in the fridge or muesli bars in the car.
·         Only snack if you are hungry. The point of healthy snacking is to quench hunger while being health conscious, so don't snack if you aren't really hungry. A leading cause of overeating happens because of boredom or social eating, so be careful not to fall into this trap.
With proper portions and healthy food choices, snacking can enhance, rather than hurt your diet.
What we suggest:

  • -       Low fat yogurt   
  • - Fresh fruit    
  • - Raw nuts/seeds     
  •   - low sugar muesli bars    
  •   - chopped veggies


In a Lifestyle Rut?

All aspects of our lives from our home, work, relationships, health, finances and fitness need to work autonomously together to have a healthy lifestyle. They work in a cycle where one impacts on the next, so it’s important to give each facet the same level of attention.

6 areas of your life that affect your happiness:
  1. Home
  2. Relationships
  3. Finance
  4. Diet
  5. Physicality 

Clear out your Home:  There is no doubt that household mess can contribute greatly to the stress in people’s lives so clearing your home can definitely add a positive spin to the day to day grind. By removing the mess or clutter we remove a level of disorder form our lives.
  • ·        Throw away or give to charity anything you haven’t used in the last 3 years
  • ·        Re-arrange furniture
  • ·        Paint walls a different colour
  • ·        Frame some recent pictures

Detox your friendships: Reflecting on how people have contributed to your life whether negative or positive is also important. All relationships with people from a professional to intimate shape your attitude and ambition. Some interactions we simply do not need to experience again.
  • ·        The quality of the relationship is better than the quantity
  • ·        Let go of relationships that are past their use by date
  • ·        Refocus your time on those people that make you happy
  • ·        Create a new friendships through a book club or new hobbies

Check the piggy bank: If you want to start afresh with a clean slate and a clear mind, one of the best things you can do is to get your finances in order. Bite the bullet and assess your incoming money and outgoing expenses
  • ·        Create a budget
  • ·        Consolidate debts if possible
  • ·        Know when your bills are due
  • ·        Cut down on unnecessary extras
  • ·        Prioritise wants vs. needs
  •             At the other end of the scale, splurge on something you want

Revive your Diet: Keeping food choices simple midst the conflicting barrage of diet messages in the media is key to a healthy lifestyle. It’s important to remember there is not one diet fits all approach. You need to address your own health concerns and create goals that are attainable for you. Choosing whole, unprocessed foods, reducing artificial sugar and reducing your portion sizes are just some measure that can improve your nutrition.
  • ·        Clear out your pantry of used-by foods
  • ·        Empty the fridge & give it a scrub out (there can be unrecognisable things hidden in there)
  • ·        Assess the repetition in your diet (what food groups or nutrients are you missing)
  • ·        Buy a new cook book (or at least Google a new recipe, I love
  • ·        Try a new food
  • ·        Try a Food diary, make SMART goals

Move your body: Often the hardest thing to do is find time to bring something new into your life. Exercise is one of those things; unfortunately it’s not something that just happens. It’s important to schedule it in as part of your day to day routine.
  • ·        Make it easy by having your workout clothes when you can just grab them
  • ·        Make a date with yourself
  • ·        Add some motivation by buying a new pair of runners, clothes or a gym membership
  • ·        Try a new sport or workout challenge
  • ·        Keep an exercise diary or keep some fitness goals.

Are you in check..

Recharge your Heath: 

A simple GP visit and asking for a health check is one of the best ways to access your physical health. Just because you have no signs or symptoms doesn't mean there isn't something more sinister happening. 
A yearly appointment with your doc is one of the smartest things you can do, its a great opportunity to 
a) begin a relationship with doc. Having a good doctor who understands you, your health and you can communicate freely with is definitely a priority
b) it creates context to your health. a set of abnormal results is hard to treat. If you have multiple results they can be compared to doctors can create a more specific assessment,  treatment or diagnostic plan. 
c) early detection. Many cases of cancers, tumors and diseases can be avoided or successfully treated if detected in the early stages. Unfortunately cancer doesn't effect only old people, it is often vicious and non-selective. 
d) you skin is the only home you have. If you would service your car 6 monthy then why not your body?

 Blood Tests you should have had:
·        FBC + U and E (Full blood examination plus urea and electrolytes)
·        Glucose
·        Cholesterol, triglyceride and blood lipids
·        Iron Serum studies
·        Liver Function tests (LFTs)
·        Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
·        Vitamin and Minerals (Calcium, Vit. D, Magnesium)

Physical tests
     Blood Pressure
·        Mammogram/pap smear
·        Bone density
·        Prostate screen
·        STI test
·        Eye Tests
·        Skin Checks/mole mapping (cancers)
·        Dental check-up

If your GP isn’t asking these questions maybe you should, or reassess if they’re still the right practitioner for you